Since 1997 we’ve been breeding Labrador Retrievers. It started with our first yellow Lab, Reba. We eventually expanded to include a few Chocolate Labs and then Golden Retrievers.
Schelhaas Family Puppies is run by us, Arvin and Lorelei Schelhaas and Jeremy and Becca on an acreage near Sioux Falls, SD. We take care of the dogs ourselves and sell them right to the owner, that’s you! We welcome perspective owners to visit the puppies on our farm or pick one out from the pictures we post and update. Delivery is simple; either come pick the puppy up when it’s old enough (7 to 8 weeks) or meet us in the Mankato or Sioux Falls area or another designated place if we schedule a meet up. (We will set up a meeting place if enough people are able to meet on the same date.)
Curious how to pronounce our name?
Skel hās or Schel (like school) and haas (like boss or sauce)